Posts tagged with "halaqa"
19. June 2017
On the dynamics of investing in a partnership with God, and what it means to build a partnership with God. Link to Listen/Download on
19. June 2017
Free Download in 4 Parts. Dr. Abou El Fadl presents the lives of Muslim women jurists, as documented from the original Arabic texts, and discusses what the facts of their lives reveal about their position as women, jurists and teachers in Islamic history. Link to Listen/Download on
19. June 2017
Dr. Abou El Fadl presents a "first-hand meeting" with the Prophet. Based on a review of original Arabic texts, this seminar: 1) Gives a view as to the moral lessons from the Prophet's life as a model for humanity; 2) Brings to life his moral example; 3) Provides a portrait of the living tradition of the Prophet's character: how he looked, smiled, laughed, talked, and got angry; 4) Presents the opportunity to learn to identify at a personal level with the identity of the Prophet as a symbol of...