Posts tagged with "spiritual"
19. June 2017
On the dynamics of investing in a partnership with God, and what it means to build a partnership with God. Link to Listen/Download on
01. November 2014
Submitting to Infinite Divinity One way of approaching this issue is to re-consider the idea of submission to God. It is well known that the word Islam means submission, and the basic Islamic demand is that human beings submit themselves to God, and to no one else and nothing else. Human beings should struggle to defeat their weaknesses, control their urges, and gain mastery over themselves. Only by gaining mastery over the self can that self be meaningfully submitted to God. If the self is...
01. January 2012
Reading the Signs: The Moral Compass of Transcendent Engagement[1] Khaled Abou El Fadl God is too infinite, too grand, and too limitless for any human being to presume to know or to possess the one and only way of unlocking the secrets of our moral universe. This is part of the objective of creation, and it is part of the very idea that, “We have made you nations and tribes.” (Q 49:13) It is in the very nature of things that each of us searches for a way, that each group of people that...
04. June 2011
Keynote Lecture, Dr. Khaled Abou El Fadl Inspire Conference London, June 4, 2011 The Conference of the Books: The Search for Beauty in Islam[1] is very dear to my heart. I often tell my students that this is the one book that I want buried with me so that I can hold it in my defense in the Hereafter. The Conference of the Books invites the reader to share with me what can only be described as truly intimate and metaphysical and transcendental moments that scholars are often not honest enough to...